
The date.

There's now a teddy bear on my phone -- that's how much of a bitch I managed to be on this date tonight. What can I say? The guy was a total one thousand percent gentleman. Didn't speak a goddamn lick of English and I was the first foreigner he had ever met. But he did his damnedest -- he held open all the doors, lit all my cigarettes, bought me strawberry milk at the GS25, payed all the tabs and won me a teddy bear phone thing by getting a perfect score on a shooting game. Too bad about that English thing.

The funny thing is, when we were left alone, we did just fine with him speaking Korean and me speaking English, with a little bit of cross-over. But when we had the eyes of the other two who are fluent in both languages on us, we both froze up. 말해! 말해! Oh my god. Just leave us alone.

Anyway, it was a good night. I'm still not really comfortable with the whole we-run-up-a-huge-bill-and-then-just-stand-there-while-they-guys-pay-it-alone thing. 내 스타일이 아니야. 그런대 난 언니 따를거다. I did feel a bit shit just climbing into the cab with a load of 잘가!s and no thank yous. I felt especially bad for Big Guy, who orchestrated this whole thing to see JH again, so I texted him to tell him to tell his friend thank you for me, and that he did a good job, and thanks to him as well, because I had a really good night. He's got a weird thing about wanting to learn Spanish and has, for some reason, decided I'm fluent enough to teach him, so we text in Spanish, which just takes things to a whole new level of ridiculous.

Anyway, I had JH pissing herself with laughter on the train with just an imitation of Little Guy doing his whole, "I can admit it. I am playboy. I can tell the truth. That's just how I am." speech, so we've decided we definitely need to see him again soon.

Definitely bedtime. Tomorrow I'll finally get to see Smalltown again. His girlfriend has apparently redecorated his entire flat while he was away and he claims he's totally fine with this. Freak. I'd be calling the police. Different strokes, eh? Goodnight, my darlings.


Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

I'm no Picasso said...

Haha I think my life has just gotten more interesting. Thanks for the comment.

MikejGrey said...

I disagree. I think your old work had more gumption to it, I suppose you could say that your blog has...jumped the shark....

MikejGrey said...

The show was definitely better when I was on it.


Hah. Steal smalltowns girlfriend away from him.

Do you guys talk about him in front of him?

Anonymous said...

we want pictures of this teddy bear phone.

I have to see this to believe it.

I believe this is simply a great Korean dating myth.
