
Bangsan Baking Market.

Real quick, I just have to say that tonight I finally made it to Bangsan Market to check out the baking shops, and it's been a long time since I've gotten that excited. Gel and liquid food coloring of every imaginable shade, French fluted tart pans, pie pans with removable bottoms, spring form pans, mini pie and tart pans, scoops, frosting tips, pure vanilla extract, Dutch processed cocoa and Belgian chocolate chips. Just to list a few things.

I've gotten really good, over the past year, at improvising with what I have, but there have been some things that I just haven't been able to make because of a lack of equipment or essential ingredients. I don't foresee that being a problem anymore.

Expect the food porn to start rolling in soon.

1 comment:

Guaria del Bosque said...

Is there anything cooking- or baking-wise that you have not been able to find or which is ridiculously expensive? Something you would advise we bring from the U.S.?