
One out of two ain't bad.

I've got my low levels but the mothers' class looks like it's in the can until next semester. Because, "We don't want to share you!"

Lady. Do I look like that easy to you?

I'm not finished yet.

She's also given one of my "teaching hours" over to spending 20 minutes twice a week sitting in the EOZ during lunch helping the students with whatever they need. Joke's on her, though, because I do that every day for 'free' already. Or maybe the joke's on me, because if she had that extra class hour to work with, maybe I would still be teaching the mothers' class. Although I suggested that I really didn't mind anyway, and she basically just eighty-sixed the whole discussion. She really just doesn't want this mothers' class to happen. Fuck knows why.

Apparently, when she went to discuss it with the head teacher in charge, the head teacher explained that only having me do a class for the English teachers was not okay. I am now teaching one for the English teachers and one for the other subject teachers. I didn't really get into this racket to teach adults, but it's what I used to do in New York and fuck knows I miss answering a complex grammar question from time to time. Or explaining the nuance of a word using anything more than a very creative hand gesture. Also, it can only help to bring me closer to the other Korean teachers at my school and improve the overall environment for me here. And by that I obviously mean, maybe the hot new young math teacher will sign up. So whatever.

Whatever whatever. I got my low levels back and that's what's important. That and boribap hwaeshik for dinner. Fuck the lot of the rest of it, anyway. I need a coffee.

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